Here below we post a list of
Articles already accepted for publication in Issue 1/(March) 2025 of ‘Hidraulica’ Magazine.
The list displays the article title, author(s) and affiliation(s),
and also the article abstract.
Full-length article will be available online only after publication. 

  • Braking Energy Recovery Hydraulic System for Heavy-Duty Machine Tools. Mathematical Modeling and Simulation
    Prof. PhD Eng. Anca BUCUREȘTEANU1
    1University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest

This paper examines the opportunity to recover the kinetic energy accumulated by the main kinematic chains of the heavy-duty machine-tools in downtime phase. The proposed unit can shorten the stopping time of the main spindle, with or without a blank, and would allow the recovery and storage of the accumulated kinetic energy in order to use it in a new start. The paper presents a basic diagram, and also the results of the first simulations.