Aims and Scope 

HIDRAULICA is a refereed (peer-reviewed) open access journal intended to bring together the information in various areas of Fluid Power engineering around the world.
The aim of this journal is to support the advancement of the field of Fluid Power by providing a platform for scientists – academicians, researchers – and production engineers to publish their research and share their knowledge and experience.

We believe in and promote quality research work.
Both theoretical and experimental papers will be welcomed, as the journal is intended to bridge the gap between the theoretical experts and practitioners in the academic, scientific, government, industry and business communities.

Open Access PolicyThis journal provides open access to its content immediately after publication on the principle that making research freely available to the public facilitates a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Fair, constructive and Fast Review System – we set as an objective to inform authors of the decision on their manuscript(s) within one week of submission.
Following acceptance, a paper will normally be published in the next issue.

The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following areas:

    *  Fluid Power Systems in Industrial and Mobile Hydraulics – New solutions for working hydraulic systems; Variable-speed drives; Energy saving, energy recovery and storage; Hybrid drive solutions; Reduction of emission, noise and vibrations; Application of innovative control concepts; Simple user interfaces and computer aided commissioning
    *  Hydraulic Components – Valves; High speed rotary drives; High pressure hydraulics; Actuators; Filter technology; Noise reduction in hydraulic equipment; Development in hydraulic components: pumps, valves etc.
  • PNEUMATICS – Pneumatic drives; Efficient system design; Vacuum technology; Miniature pneumatics; Low-emission pneumatics; Pneumatic systems and their applications; Pneumatic components and their innovation
  • TRIBOLOGY – Effect of environmentally friendly fluids on efficiency; Oil maintenance and mixture problems; Plastics in Hydraulics; Lubrication and lubricants; Green Tribology; Contact Mechanics of rough surfaces (including adhesion); Friction between rigid rough surfaces and elastomers; Method of reduction of dimensionality in contact Mechanics and Friction; Wear and surface technology; Nano and micro Tribology
  • ECOLOGY – Depollution of waste water; Irrigation and drainage; Monitoring of high pollution areas; Fluid Power in production of renewable energy; High pollution monitoring and waste recycling; Wave energy converter technology; Solar energy – PV technology; Wind energy plants; Energy storage       
  • MECHATRONICS – Mechatronics and Electronics in Fluid Power systems; Application of artificial intelligence in Fluid Power systems; Sensors, actuators and microsystems; Digital Hydraulics; Servo Hydraulics and Servo Pneumatics; Simulation and validation  

The above topics are not to be considered rigid, and our commitment is for the journal to grow and adapt in time.