All manuscripts submitted for publication in HIDRAULICA magazine are subject to a double-blind review process.

EVALUATION PROCESS is performed as follows:

• The paper is evaluated whether it is in compliance with the journal field;
• If the paper frames within the journal field, it will receive a code comprising the journal name, issuing year, journal issue and paper’s no. (ex: HIDRAULICA-2010-1-01). The numbering starts every issue from 01;
• From the assessors team there are chosen two experts in the given field, one from Romania and another from abroad (if this is possible), if not, there are chosen 2 reviewers from Romania or 2 from abroad;
• The same day, the manuscript is sent via e-mail to assessors (without the authors’ names), together with the assessing record which also indicates the date up to which a paper evaluation has to be performed (usually, 2 weeks);
• The invitation of participating in paper’s evaluation is transmitted together with the paper to assessors, who are asked to confirm the receiving and/or whether they are available to evaluate; if the respective assessor is not available, the paper is retransmitted to another assessor;

• Reviewers shall evaluate the manuscripts based on the following criteria:
– journal editorial requirements – structure, form, content, scientific relevance;
– scientific (theoretical and/or practical) contribution to the field; 
– careful experimental design (proper replication, controls, randomization) and  adequate statistical methods of analysis;  
– clearly presented and argued results;
– relevant and up-to-date bibliographical references;
– compliance with ethical and moral norms.
The assessors have the task to verify the stage of research performed within the respective papers in compliance with the world trends, the papers drawn up by other authors, the novelty character, methodology, obtained results etc. (according to the evaluation file);

• After having received the paper from the assessors, according to the remarks which have been made, the manuscript will be:
– published (no remarks have been made);
– retransmitted to author for answering the assessors’ observations (when there are minor or moderate observations), and then published;
– rejected if the assessors’ observations are important (or if they recommend the paper’s rejection);

• The management of Editorial Board of HIDRAULICA magazine cannot interfere in accepting or rejecting a certain paper; its task is only to coordinate the papers: sorting, distributing to assessors, responding etc., but not to decide whether or not to publish a paper;
• The management of Editorial Board of HIDRAULICA magazine takes care that the evaluating process be correctly performed, without having any tendentious or malicious character;
• The decision of accepting or rejecting a paper is based on the independent assessors’ decision;
• If the two assessors’ decisions are conflictual with regard to publication, the paper will be distributed to a third assessor, and the final decision will be taken by considering the most related decisions of two from the three assessors.

• It is not the reviewers’ duty to operate any correction of the manuscripts submitted. 
• The Journal and its editors accept no liability for the accuracy of the calculations, experimental data, views expressed or statements made by the contributors. Authors are responsible for the factual accuracy and copyright of their contributions.