ISSN 2343–7707 ; ISSN-L 1453-7303

Here below we post a list of
Papers already accepted for publication in Issue 3/2022 of Hidraulica Magazine.
The list displays paper title, author(s) and affiliation,
and also paper abstract.
Full-length paper will be available online only after publication.

  • A Volumetric Working Machine with Profiled Rotors for Fluids Circulation
    PhD Std. Gabriel FISCHER- SZAVA1, Prof. Dr. Eng. Nicolae BĂRAN1,
    Șl. Dr. Eng. Mihaela CONSTANTIN1
    1University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

The paper presents a constructive solution of a new type of volumetric rotating machine, with two profiled rotors, which can transport clean fluids or polyphasic fluids. The operation principle of the machine is set out and the computation relations are established for:
–  the rotating machine flow rate;
– the power required to drive the rotating machine.
At the end of the paper, the advantages of this machine are highlighted compared to other machines for fluids circulation.

  • Algorithm in Python for Simulating Hydraulic Network for Educational Purposes
    Prof. Dr. Eng. Henrique PIZZO1, 2, Eng. Stud. Res. Victor SANTOS3,
    Prof. Spec. Eng. Marina EVANGELISTA4
    1Estácio University of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil
    2Municipal Water and Sewage Company of Juiz de Fora, Brazil
    3Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil
    4Gaia Engineering, Juiz de Fora, Brazil

In order to make learning and fixing topics about water distribution networks simpler for students, by allowing quick tests, comparisons with results obtained by hand, and evaluation of the different head losses and nodal pressures generated by each specific situation of input values, an algorithm developed in Python language is presented. After a literature review on the subject of computational models in hydraulic systems and their application in the area of ​​water distribution networks, the steps for the execution of the model are discussed and presented, with some illustrative screens. Finally, a test is carried out to assess the good functioning of the Python algorithm, by comparing its resolution of a random network with the solution by the SCALER software.

  • Simulation of the Working Cycle for a Hydraulic Press Equipped with a Flow Regulator Mounted in Graetz System
    Prof. Dr. Eng. Carmen DEBELEAC1
    1„Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Engineering and Agronomy Faculty of Braila, Romania

The paper focuses on mathematic modelling of the working operation with the press unit, with hydraulic acting, where flow regulation in load is carried out with a flow regulator mounted in Graetz system. A non-linear simulation model was developed in Matlab/SimHydraulics environment for highlighting the dynamic behaviour of the main parameters of working regime of hydraulic press unit.

  • Using Hydrological Concepts and an Artificial Neural Network to Model the Rate for COVID-19 Infections versus Deaths
    Maritza Liliana ARGANIS JUÁREZ1,2, Margarita PRECIADO JIMÉNEZ3,
    Sandra Lizbeth ROSALES SILVESTRE1

    1National Autonomous University of Mexico, Institute of Engineering
    2National Autonomous University of Mexico, Faculty of Engineering
    3Mexican Institute of Water Technology, Hydrology Coordination

Models were run to reproduce COVID 19 infections versus deaths in Mexico City. The first model was made using rain runoff concept, emulating rain as number of infections reproducing runoff as number of deaths given as of March 2020. The second consisted of using an artificial neural network (ANN) proposed as an initial condition function to be implemented in the model with delay. These models were applied to fit accumulated confirmed case data, obtaining fit corroborated by coefficient of determination, R2. The R2 value produced by model was 0.0528 in case of infections comparison vs. official deaths reported by the Ministry of Health, 0.0571 for case of infections vs. modelling using the HEC-HMS tool, and 0.0937 for case of contagion vs. modelling using ANN.

  • Determination of Energy Performance for a New Type of a Rotating Machine That Transports Fluids
    PhD Student Mariana Mirela STOICAN (PRISECARU)1, Prof. Dr. Eng. Nicolae BĂRAN1,
    PhD Student Gabriel FICHER-SZAVA1
    1University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

The paper presents a mathematical model of establishment for a constructive solution regarding:
– the maximum flow rate transported by the machine;
– the power required to drive this machine, which is a volumetric pump with two specially processed rotors.
The aspects regarding the transport of multiphase fluids and the advantages of using this rotating machine are revealed.

  • Constructive and Technological Considerations on the Realization of a Prototype of a Rotary Valve Made with 3D Printed Components with UV Resin
    Prof. habil. dr.eng. ec. Mircea Dorin VASILESCU1
    1Polytechnic University Timisoara, Romania

This study is intended to be the first part of a series of technological studies to determine the possibility of realizing pneumatic and/or hydraulic components using 3D additive manufacturing processes with photopolymerizable resins. Since the problem of the environment protection is an important component, the author initiated a study on the structural and technical aspects of the efficient realization of a rotary valve prototype. Finally, considering the correlation and determination of dimensional repeatability of 3D printed parts using a polymerization process with a mask (MSLA) with light-emitting diodes, it is possible to transfer this study to industrial fabrication of this component. At this stage of the study, aspects of alignment in the printing of the analysed part assembly are also identified, as well as the way to determine its positioning and to subsequently correct it for surfaces with changes in flatness or cylindricity. 

  • Remote Control of an Automatic System for Handling Fragile Objects
    Ph.D. Eng. Ionel Laurențiu ALBOTEANU1, Eng. Ionel Bogdan ILIE1
    1University of Craiova, Romania

The paper presents a remote control solution based on wireless technology of a small-scale fragile object handling system. The description of the handling system and the local control solution by means of a PLC have been published in Hidraulica Magazine no. 4/2020 [1].


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