HIDRAULICA Magazine No. 3 / 2018

Hidraulica no.3/2018

Operating Equations of a Rotating Machine that Drives Fluids
Authors: Almaslamani Ammar FADHIL, Nicolae BĂRAN

The paper contains originality elements regarding both the constructive solution of the rotating machine and its functional equations. There are theoretical aspects regarding the fluid handling with this new type of rotating machine with profiled rotors. The end of the paper presents the operating equations and the advantages of … (read more)

The Influence of Corrosion and Temperature Variation on the Minimum Safety Factor of a 3D Hexagonal Toroid with Regular Hexagonal Cross-Section Used in Manufacturing of LPG Storage Tanks
Authors: Mihai ŢĂLU, Ștefan ŢĂLU

In this paper we investigate the minimum safety factor (SF) values of a three-dimensional (3D) hexagonal toroid with regular hexagonal cross-section used in manufacturing of LPG storage tanks from the automotive industry. A design strategy was proposed to determine SF according to manufacturing objectives due to the influence of corrosion and temperature variation. Numerical simulations were carried out to determine the surfaces or curves for which the SF has the minimum values and the corresponding variation laws were computed by polynomial interpolation. We coupled numerical simulations of a 3D model (done in the AutoCAD Autodesk 2017 software, which was imported for analysis to SolidWorks 2017 software) with numerical limit analysis to calculate … (read more)

Studying Transients in Water Supply Systems 
Authors: Zoltán CSONGRÁDI, Nikolett FECSER, Bálint LAJTAI

Transient operating states occur in water supply systems under pressure. Transient operating states place such extreme loads on the pipes that they might cause burst water pipes, so to be able to avoid damages and operation failures due to burst pipes they are needed to be studied and modelled. To highlight the importance of transient phenomena, we present … (read more)

Studying the Influence of River Works on River Flow Regime with 1-D Hydraulic Modelling
Authors: Marie-Alice GHIȚESCU, Albert Titus CONSTATIN

The one-dimensional (1-D) hydraulic models are the most adequate for river modelling flow. This case study involves the rehabilitation of the CFR bridge, km 38 + 389, line 116 DII Simeria – Petrosani at Ruşor town, Hunedoara county. Therefore, the Ruşor River is being thought through, with a series of complex river works of the river bed and channel, in order to regulate the flows near CFR Bridge. To prevent future possible damages, a 1D hydrodynamic model of the Ruşor river sector was developed, highlighting the effect of the river regularization works. The hydraulic model was built with HEC-RAS 4.0 software, for two flow simulation scenarios: … (read more)

The Influence of Corrosion and Pressure Variation on the Minimum Safety Factor of a 3D Hexagonal Toroid with Regular Hexagonal Cross-Section Used in Manufacturing of LPG Storage Tanks
Authors: Ștefan ŢĂLU, Mihai ŢĂLU

This research was aimed to explore the minimum safety factor (SF) values of a three-dimensional (3D) hexagonal toroid with regular hexagonal cross-section used in manufacturing of LPG storage tanks from the automotive industry. Numerical simulations had been carried out to assess the influence of the corrosion and pressure variation on the minimum safety factor values. A polynomial interpolation was applied to provide a comparison between … (read more)

Water Flow Transition on a Hydropower Virtually Developed Sector of Bârzava River in the Town of Reșița
Authors: Alina-Ioana POPESCU-BUŞAN, Gheorghe LAZĂR, Albert Titus CONSTANTIN,
Şerban-Vlad NICOARĂ

A water flow numerical modelling is developed on the paper for a given sector on Bârzava River where a hydropower associated deviation is assumed, in case of accidental high waters in the Town of Reșița. The model includes two gate-controlled overflowing steps, two water catchments, a headrace pipe of 3052 m in length and 1.10 m in diameter, two energy dissipaters and one micro-hydropower station endowed with two hydroelectric turbines. The flow simulation by the designed numerical model looks to establish the special water levels along the covered sector on the river course and to discuss with respect to the gross head and installed power at an afforded micro-hydropower arrangement. Two specific running situations were assumed, the common running status when(read more)

Determination of a Set of Admissible Parameters in Designing of LPG Storage Tanks Considering a Required Safety Factor
Author: Mihai ŢĂLU

In this study a method to determine a set of admissible parameters in designing of a three-dimensional (3D) hexagonal toroid with regular hexagonal cross-section used in manufacturing of LPG storage tanks from the automotive industry was proposed. A design methodology was applied to determine the safety factor (SF) values according to manufacturing objectives. The numerical simulations of a 3D model with parametric features (created in AutoCAD Autodesk 2017 software, and then analyzed with SolidWorks 2017 software) was applied in correlation with computation of confidence intervals of the safety factor. The proposed flexible numerical simulation framework offer an efficient workflows for integration of data and software packages for coupled process simulations to demonstrate its capabilities. Numerical results were stored in structured data formats to allow for … (read more)

Fluid Flow Particularities within Hydraulic Working Circuit
Author: Fănel ȘCHEAUA

As is known from the principles of fluid mechanics, the flow phenomenon of the working fluid within a hydraulic circuit is always accompanied by energy losses that are inevitably determined by the frictional forces with the pipe walls, the geometric shape of the pipeline used in the circuit but also the inner walls roughness of the circuit pipeline which interacts with the fluid. The fluid environment is used within the hydro-static systems in order to transmit the energy representing the support which, by simply circulating in the circuit to the execution organs, causes … (read more)

Automatic Electro-Hydraulic System for a P.E.T. Waste Baling Press
Authors: Iulian-Claudiu DUȚU, Edmond MAICAN, Sorin-Ștefan BIRIȘ, Mihaela-Florentina DUȚU

Environmental protection is one of the leading factors when designing modern industrial machinery, their increased overall energy efficiency requiring the use of new industrial design concepts, smart driving circuits and digital concepts [1]. Classic industrial machinery is supposed to be changing in the next few years due to the development of INDUSTRY 4.0 concept for manufacturing technologies [1]. Improving energy efficiency, in most of the cases implies designing new driving schematics and their complexity seems to be significantly increasing. Rapid development of electronics technology and software industry supported the need for … (read more)

A Method to Address the Fixing of Sealing Deficiencies at the “Ostrovul Mic” Left Bank, “Râul Mare – Downstream” Water Development
Authors: Albert Titus CONSTANTIN, Gheorghe LAZĂR, Alina-Ioana POPESCU-BUŞAN,
Şerban-Vlad NICOARĂ

The present paper proposes a method for approaching the remediation of sealing deficiencies from the left bank of Ostrovul Mic water reservoir at km1+300 (Raul Mare – Downstream water development) by executing a drain at the bottom of the side embankment downstream face. The results of the remedy are highlighted by checking the flow both as … (read more)