HIDRAULICA Magazine No. 4 / 2018

Hidraulica no.4/2018

Simulation of an Electro-Hydraulic System for a P.E.T. Waste Baling Press
Authors: Iulian-Claudiu DUȚU, Edmond MAICAN, Sorin-Ștefan BIRIȘ, Mihaela-Florentina DUȚU, Mariana-Gabriela MUNTEANU

Energy efficiency is nowadays a key factor in designing industrial machinery, where digital technologies, modeling and simulation software environments are beginning to have a deeper impact. Smart technologies have entered industrial field supporting machine design engineers to develop and optimize their technical solutions. In some cases, when energy efficiency of old machinery needs to be increased, retrofitting existing schematics is not always an easy task, instead of modifying the connections between components or replacing some of the existing components with new ones it is preferred to replace … (read more)

The 3D Geometry Reconstruction of a Scaled Axial Blade by Photogrammetry
Authors: Dorian NEDELCU, Sorin-Laurenţiu BOGDAN, Ioan PĂDUREAN

The paper illustrates the Reverse Engineering of an axial blade geometry, who was scanned through Photogrammetry technique and processed with the following software packages: Agisoft Photoscan and Geomagic Design X; the solid geometry and the drawing of the blade were generating using the SolidWorks software. The 3D blade geometry was compared with the blade mesh generated in Geomagic Design X based on point cloud obtained in Agisoft Photoscan software. Ultimately,… (read more)

Approaching Mean Air Temperature-Rainfall Models by Means of Genetic Programming under Climatic Change Scenarios

The study of how climatological variables had been or will change over time under emissions of greenhouse gases, has been the subject of several researches since the late nineteenth century and they have increased since the eighties of the XXI Century. The population growth in the medium and short term means a greater urbanization with the consequent change in land use in a country; civil protection measures to be implemented will be essential to alert and protect future populations to the occurrence of extraordinary weather events, providing necessary measures in cases such as(read more)

Phenomenon of Transiency in Water Supply Systems
Author: Nikolett FECSER

Transient is a flow condition in which velocity and pressure change rapidly with time. A transient normally occurs when a flow control component changes status and this change flows through the system as a pressure wave. Due to the devastating effects a hydraulic transient can cause, its analysis is very important in … (read more)

Estimation of Water Infiltration at a Given Embankment Dam with Sealing Deficiencies by a 3D Numerical Model
Authors: Albert Titus CONSTANTIN, Gheorghe LAZĂR, Şerban-Vlad NICOARĂ

The paper presents a way of studying the water infiltration at the Motru embankment Dam (river ballast fill, clay core sealing) by a 3D numerical model covering the deficient right supporting bank. Since due to sealing imperfections the reservoir runs under level restrictions, the calculations were performed in two stages. First, the model was set up and checked for the existing running situation and then it was endowed with a proposed supplementary ground sealing element that would allow the reservoir running at its designed full capacity. The final goal of the study would be to estimate … (read more)

Influence of the Rotating Piston Shape on the Flow Rate of a New Type of Rotating Working Machine
Authors: Ammar Fadhil Shnawa ALMASLAMANI, Adrian COSTACHE, Nicolae BĂRAN

The paper presents a new constructive solution for a rotating pump that contains two profiled rotors; each rotor has two pistons that may be triangular or curvilinear (oval). The area difference of the two pistons in a cross section is calculated; there is a difference in area which … (read more)

Technological and Constructive Considerations on the Realization of Components and Parts Using 3D Printing FDM-Type Technology
Author: Mircea Dorin VASILESCU

The work is addressed both the constructive considerations and the analysis of specific deformations generated by gaseous or liquid medium on specific components of the pneumatic or hydraulic installation. The work is structured on several part that addresses at first the general considerations after that considerations for classifying the analysed components and at the end of the generation, realization of components through 3D printing and final the analysed of constructive elements generated to the medium used for functional activity. The analysis of the material behaviour on requests from an effective point of view will be the subject of a subsequent work, starting from the considerations of(read more)

Theoretical and Experimental Research on the Technological Process of Spraying and Dynamics of the Motorized Agricultural Platform
Authors: Polifron-Alexandru CHIRIȚĂ, Corneliu CRISTESCU, Radu RĂDOI, Oleg CIOBANU

This article presents the results of a research developed by INOE2000 – IHP, as well as a functional model of a motorized agricultural platform used for spraying in horticulture. This is part of a complex crop monitoring system that, with the help of a quad-copter, generates a map that is used later for remote guiding of the agricultural platform, which is equipped with tracks system and a differential steering system allows it to turn in place or … (read more)

Optimizing Air Flow Instilled in an Aeration Pool
Authors: Mariana PANAITESCU, Fănel-Viorel PANAITESCU

The experiment is considering a case study for two municipal wastewater treatment plants that have been equipped with a new control system over a period of 10 months: 1) The experiment was carried out in parallel and the same conditions for water treatment on installation A and installation B, (experimental group) and 2) experiment on another pool with aeration controlled by the classic method (reference group). Both methods have been tested beforehand. Various cases have been studied during the experiment, corresponding to … (read more)

Hydraulic Stand for Research of the Correlation between Pellet Quality, Raw Material Quality and Physical-Mechanical Parameters of Manufacturing Equipment
Authors: Gabriela MATACHE, Gheorghe ȘOVĂIALĂ, Valentin BARBU, Adrian-Mihai ALEXE, Mariana EPURE

The article has as a defining element the design and development of a hydraulic drive stand on which it is possible to investigate how some chemical-physical parameters of sawdust have influence on the production, and especially on the quality of the pellets. The stand is provided with control elements for moving a piston in the direction of … (read more)

Argumentation of the Optimal Hydrodynamic Profile of Blades of the Flow Microhydrostation Rotor’s
Authors: Ion BOSTAN, Viorel BOSTAN, Valeriu DULGHERU, Oleg CIOBANU, Radu CIOBANU, Polifron CHIRIȚĂ

Insistent searches of authors have led to the design and licensing of some advanced technical solutions for outflow micro hydroelectric power plants. They are based on the hydrodynamic effect, generated by the hydrodynamic profile of blades and by the optimal blades’ orientation towards water streams with account of energy conversion at each rotation phase of the turbine rotor. The selection of the optimal blades hydrodynamic profile is very important for functional optimization of micro hydro power plants. It will allow increasing the conversion factor (Betz coefficient) due to the hydrodynamic buoyant force. Due to the fact that the relative velocity of blades concerning the water currents is twice bigger, practically,(read more)

Comparative Study of a 1D and 2D Numerical Analysis Modelling a Water Flow at a River Confluence under Accidental High Waters
Authors: Şerban-Vlad NICOARĂ, Gheorghe LAZĂR, Albert Titus CONSTANTIN

There are presented two numerical simulations – 1D and 2D – regarding the water flow on Timiş River in the Town of Caransebeş, Romania, at the confluence with its tributary Sebeş River. There was considered an accidental high waters wave following the synthetical configuration of a given significant hydrograph that happened from 4th to 11th of April 2000. The flow simulation by the two numerical models analysed by the help of HEC-RAS package aim to estimate the flow configuration, the velocities and levels developments, on a confluence river sector with specific bridge and protection structures. The analysis looks to establish some additional technical aspects regarding(read more)