HIDRAULICA Magazine No. 2 / 2023

Hidraulica no. 2/2023

Hydraulic System of Return Backlash Takeover with Pressure Bearing and without Rotary Fitting

This paper makes a brief presentation of the systems of return backlash takeover currently used in the kinematic chains for circular feed in machine tools but also of a new system patented by the authors. This system is uncomplicated, effective and simplifies the kinematic chains of the machine tools. It can be applied to vertical lathes that can make milling operations too because it allows the overlapping of the kinematic chain for turning operations with the circular feed kinematic chain for boring or drilling operations. The system comes as a result of minimum modifications of … (read more)

Opinions Regarding the Assessment of Pressure Drop in Tangential Feed Cyclones for Cleaning Industrial Dry Gases 
Authors: Melania CORLECIUC (MITUCĂ), Radu I. IATAN, Ion DURBACĂ, Georgiana Luminiţa ENĂCHESCU, Anca Mădălina DUMITRESCU, Gheorghe Cosmin CIOCOIU

Cyclones are used to remove solid particles larger than 5 μm from impure industrial gases. They are simple constructions, without moving parts and easy to maintain. In the use of such equipment, main interest is to evaluate the pressure drop in the cyclone and the efficiency of separation. Ensuring a high value of the pressure drop involves high energy consumption, aiming to increase the separation efficiency. Many studies, exposed in the content of this work, have been carried out, in the sense of the above topic, for … (read more)

Generation of Non-Linear Equations to Approximate the Normalized Annual Agricultural Production Curve, Using Drought Indexes
Authors: Valdemar TORRES ESPINOSA, Maritza Liliana ARGANIZ JUÁREZ

Extreme droughts are one of the biggest problems for agricultural and livestock activities throughout Mexico. These events have caused a decrease in income for producers due to the increase in input costs, which in turn causes an increase in the price of products and food for the poorest populations. In this research equations that allow us to estimate a normalized value of agricultural production in each state of Mexico were obtained. The equations were generated with optimization of their parameters using genetic algorithms and were taken as data from agricultural production records and drought indexes registered in the country. These, in turn, depend on … (read more) 

New Trends and Developments of Additive Manufacturing in the Field of Hydraulic Drive Systems according to the Circular Economy Concept
Authors: Alexandru-Polifron CHIRIȚĂ, Adriana Mariana BORȘ, Andrei-Alexandru BENESCU

Increasing the efficiency of hydraulic drive systems (HDSs) maintenance activities is a permanent concern at the global level as a result of the considerable expansion of their field of applicability. The maintenance of HDSs is part of the integrated management concept and it is a complex approach to specific activities in order to maintain HDSs performance. The development of additive manufacturing methods applicable for hydraulic components based on the principle of reverse engineering gives stability to functional characteristics and reliability in the context of the circular economy. The application of reliability-based maintenance (RBM) strategies requires the detection and exploitation of the maximum potential of HDSs operation. Through 3D printing technology, which enables … (read more)

Evaluation of Stress States in Areas with Geometric Structure Discontinuities in the Configuration of Pressure Equipment. I. Direct Discontinuity
Authors: Radu I. IATAN
, Gheorghe Cosmin CIOCOIU, Anca Mădălina DUMITRESCU

The various geometric discontinuities in the structure of the pressure equipment components, existing from the initial phase or during their operation, lead to the appearance of stress states that must be evaluated with great precision. Their values can be compared with the load-bearing capacity of the structures or with that established at the time of evaluation. In this way, the future lifetime of the structure or its decommissioning can be determined. This article considers a geometric discontinuity between three cylindrical elements, with (read more)

Surgical Robots: Current Performances and Perspectives of Development and Use
Authors: Ana Maria BARBU, Iulian Alexandru TABĂRĂ, Iulian Sorin MUNTEANU

The surgical field represents a delicate and complex side of medicine and the introduction of robots has considerably improved the lives of patients and doctors. Robotic surgery has advanced astonishingly in recent decades and specialists are trying to exceed the expectations that people may have from the robots used in medicine at the present time. The technology used in these robots continues to amaze not only by the complex way in which they work, but also by the fact that … (read more)

Design of Digital Control System for Line Following Robot
Author: Mohanad ABDULHAMID

Design of mobile robots has become an increasingly growing trend in the technology of modern times. They are very attractive engineering systems, not only because of many interesting theoretical aspects concerning kinematics, intelligent behavior and autonomy, but also because of applicability in many human activities. A typical example is the line following robot (LFR). In order for a LFR to function effectively, it must demonstrate excellent line tracking control. This is achieved by having accurate and responsive control algorithms as well as high precision color sensor systems. This paper proposes a system to show that good line tracking performance can be achieved with … (read more)

Precipitation Anomalies Characterization in Papalotla River Basin and Their Implications for Territorial Planning

This paper focuses on calculating the monthly anomaly of precipitation using a straightforward methodology based on average monthly values and drought categorization. The specific case study conducted in this study pertains to the Papalotla River subbasin, which is a part of the Texcoco Lake basin. The research findings reveal that anthropogenic activities, particularly land use change, have had a detrimental impact on the environmental balance of the region. These activities have resulted in … (read more)