HIDRAULICA Magazine No. 3 / 2017

Hidraulica no.3/2017

Remanufacturing of Hydrostatic Systems for Heavy Duty Vertical Lathes
Author: Dan PRODAN

In this paper the author presents a part of the theoretical and experimental research conducted during the remanufacturing of a heavy duty vertical lathe. The remanufacturing of this machine-tool involved the re-design of the hydrostatic system for table suspension. These very heavy machine-tools use hydrostatic systems for supporting the main spindle on bearings, which allows them to take over thrust loads over 100 to at speeds of 50 RPM. In these conditions, the hydrostatic system must be well dimensioned, stable and controllable both in conventional operation mode and especially in … (read more)

Applied Research and Experimental Validation of a TLUD Industrial Solution
Authors: Gabriela MATACHE, Edmond MAICAN, Ioan PAVEL, Radu Iulian RADOI,
Mihai-Alexandru HRISTEA

This paper presents the research carried out by the team of INOE 2000-IHP Institute in collaboration with UPB-ISB, on a hot air generating system to increase the energy independence of greenhouses and solariums aiming to extend the duration of their use by heating with local micro-gasified biomass in TLUD energy modules to increase production safety and reduce production costs. The target was the use of a hot air and forced circulation system equipped with rechargeable, simple, safe, efficient and environmentally friendly energy-saving TLUD modules in which the locally harvested, chopped and dried biomass is thermo-chemically gasified. From the micro-gasification of the biomass with the help of the TLUD type equipment, there resulted about 10% to 15% biochar, the part of carbon not converted into gas, which is … (read more)

Modeling an Automatic Processing Station Using Fluidsim Software
Author: Ionel Laurentiu ALBOTEANU

Computer-aided design of modern industrial systems contributes to increasing the quality of these systems and reducing the time to obtain the final results.
The paper presents the results of the modeling of an automated electro-pneumatic processing station using the Festo FluidSIM Pneumatics application. For the chosen operating protocol, both the power part and the electrical and control part were modelled, being generated … (read more)

Testing of the Fertigation Equipment in Operation Conditions
Authors: Gheorghe SOVAIALA, Sava ANGHEL, Gabriela MATACHE, Alina Iolanda POPESCU

The fertigation equipment developed within the FERTIRIG project, PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-0114, financial agreement no. 158/2014, has been tested under real operation conditions at ICDP Pitesti Maracineni, on local irrigation facilities existing in the experimental – demonstrative plots, in fruit trees such as plum, pear and apple, which are fruit species of greatest importance for … (read more)

Hydro Power Solution with Radial Turbine Based on Medium Flow Rate Water Streams
Author: Fănel Dorel ȘCHEAUA

It is evident the continuous increase of the energy needs, proportionate to the increase of the number of inhabitants, but also due to the increase of the living standards of the human communities. For providing the necessary energy, the fossil fuels are used in the majority proportion, which bring changes to the environment. In order to avoid this disadvantage, energy obtaining methods based on natural renewable resources that are practically unlimited and most importantly do not bring negative changes to the environment are increasingly taken into account. Thus, besides solar energy, wind power, tidal energy and hydro power are solutions that are currently used all over the world, but which need to be … (read more)

Technical Solutions for Digital Hydraulic Cylinders and Test Methods
Authors: Ioan PAVEL, Radu Iulian RĂDOI, Alexandru-Polifron CHIRIȚĂ, Mihai-Alexandru HRISTEA, Bogdan Alexandru TUDOR

A cylinder with a continuously variable piston area is considered by many an impossible goal. This paper presents solutions for digital hydraulic cylinders with certain discrete values of multiple surfaces, which, selected by well established rules, can control the force and speed output values although they are supplied with constant pressure and flow. Also hereinafter we present test diagrams for digital pumps and digital switching directional control valves, as well as a test stand model for … (read more)

Simulation of the Flow Processes in the Waste Water Treatment Plant
Authors: Mariana PANAITESCU, Fanel-Viorel PANAITESCU

In order to accomplish the flows from the existing processes simulation in a wastewater treatment plant there has been used a software tool called GPS-X, version 6.1.1.The steps of simulation were the following: it has been designed the flow station wastewater treatment plant; settings have been configured for installation components; subsequently input data have been changed according to … (read more)

Increasing Energy Efficiency and Optimizing the Operation of Systems That Produce Clean Energy from Renewable Sources
Authors: Corneliu CRISTESCU, Cătălin DUMITRESCU, Valeriu DULGHERU,
Teodor Costinel POPESCU

This paper presents some general issues regarding the development of research concerns in the field of renewable energy worldwide, as well as some research directions for increasing the efficiency of renewable energy conversion systems, addressed in the Institute INOE 2000-IHP in the field of energy efficiency and functional optimization of the systems that obtain clean energy from renewable resources. In the end, there are presented some techniques, methods and ways for optimization, in terms of … (read more)